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Super Céréale Else, pour les bébés de six mois et plus – Sans métaux lourds – Banane

Certified Plant Based Made Without Soy Clean Label Purity Award

Super Céréale Else, pour les bébés de six mois et plus – Sans métaux lourds – Banane

Prix habituel
$9.99 CAD
Prix unitaire
Frais d'expédition calculés à l'étape de paiement.






  • Introducing the Clean Label Project Purity Award certified Else Super Cereal for babies six months old and up.
  • Made with >80% minimally processed whole almonds, buckwheat and tapioca providing a unique combination of nutritionally balanced gluten-free carbohydrates, plant protein (with all 9 essential amino acids), unsaturated fats, and enriched with iron for growing babies’ needs.
  • Your baby is growing fast, every spoon counts! Pack as much nutrition as you can into every meal with the addition of Else Super Cereal.
Certified Plant Based Made Without Soy Clean Label Purity Award

What's Inside

Sarrasin: Une seudo-céréale à haute densité nutritionnelle, sans gluten, source principale de protéines et de glucides.

Amandes: Source principale de protéines, de graisses, de fibres et de vitamine E.

Tapioca : Glucide facile à digérer, sans gluten, dérivé de la racine de manioc.


Farine de sarrasin instantanée biologique, maltodextrine de tapioca biologique, beurre d'amande biologique, poudre de banane biologique, farine de sarrasin biologique, huile de colza biologique. Moins de 2% : Arôme naturel de vanille biologique, Mononitrate de thiamine (B1), Riboflavine (B2), niacinamide (B3), Pyrophosphate ferrique, Phosphate tricalcique, Iodure de potassium, Lécithine de tournesol biologique.

Avis sur les allergènes : Contient des fruits à coque (amandes)

How to use

  1. Mettez 6 cuillères à soupe (30 g) de Super Céréales Else dans un bol
  2. Incorporez progressivement un liquide tiède (lait maternel, lait infantile ou eau) jusqu'à obtenir la consistance souhaitée
  3. Servez avec une cuillère
Super Céréale Else, pour les bébés de six mois et plus – Sans métaux lourds – Banane


Nos Super Céréales assurent une transition en douceur vers les aliments solides. Elles sont méticuleusement conçues sans métaux lourds ni substances nocives. Elles fournissent des nutriments essentiels dans un format simple et digestible, et ce parce que chaque calorie compte.


Why should I give my baby cereal?

Baby cereals are recommended among the first solid foods to be introduced around 6 months, and at the beginning of the transition from liquid diet of breast milk or infant formula to solid complementary foods. Cereals provide some benefits to the growing nutritional need of infants at that age; they are excellent source of energy when exclusively breastfeeding can no longer supply all the nutritional requirements. Whole-food based cereals as Else super cereal are naturally high in fibers. Inclusion of iron-fortified cereal on a regular basis is an effective way to supply iron at the beginning of complementary feeding, when the infant’s iron stores are depleting. On top of all those, cereals are an excellent choice for transition to solids as they have a mild taste with semi-solid texture and consistency

Can I put the cereal in my baby’s bottle?

Cereals are one of the first complementary foods for babies around 6 months and up. Those nutrient-dense, developmentally appropriate foods are recommended as a part of the transition from a liquid diet based on breast milk or infant formula to a solid diet based on a verity of foods and textures. Therefore, it is not recommended putting infant cereal or other solid foods in an infant’s bottle. This is also a part of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans to feed infants and young children with appropriate foods for their age and development to help prevent choking.

Is this fortified with iron?

Yes. Each serving of 30 g provides 6 mg of iron, which accounts for 55% of recommended daily values for babies aged 6-12 months.

What is Super in your product?

Else Super Cereal is Clean Label Purity Award certified, made with >80­% Whole Food Ingredients: buckwheat, almonds and tapioca. It is based on a unique combination of nutritionally balanced gluten-free carbohydrates, plant-based protein, unsaturated fats, and more than half of iron daily recommended value for babies 6-12 months.

Should I introduce almonds to my baby before I give them this?

You can use Else Super cereal as a way of almonds introduction. Potentially allergenic foods (e.g., peanuts, egg, cow milk products, tree nuts, wheat and soy) should be introduced when other complementary foods are introduced to an infant’s diet. Almond allergenicity is much lower compared to cow’s milk, which is a well-accepted protein source in infant formula. When introducing a new food it is advised to watch how your child reacts. Consult with your HCP regarding any GI, skin, or respiratory reactions following introduction of the new food.

En quoi Else est-il différent ?

Contient plus de
d'ingrédients issus d'aliments entiers.
Nos produits nutritionnels complets, à base d'ingrédients végétaux naturels, entiers et soumis à une transformation minimale, sont conçus pour favoriser une croissance harmonieuse et un développement naturel de l'enfant.